Saturday, March 29, 2008

Accent Essentials for Native Chinese Speakers

When you communicate in English, do you ever feel:
  • uncertain about your pronunciation
  • lacking in confidence
  • uncomfortable with your speech
  • that others don’t understand you?
We offer a workshop specifically for speakers whose native language is Chinese. The program teaches you:
  • To avoid the most common pronunciation mistakes in English made by speakers of Chinese
  • To use complete word production
  • To correctly produce key sounds
  • Important differences between Chinese and English in terms of intonation and stress
  • The rules of American English
  • The patterns in your own speech that may be the source of communication gaps and misunderstandings.
With improved pronunciation and diction, your daily interactions with English speakers will become easier and more comfortable. You’ll spend less time repeating yourself, leading to greater productivity for yourself and others. Many of our past clients have reported that the confidence they gained from attending the program led to a promotion.

If you are a native Chinese speaker who is fluent in English, but wish to speak in a way that is clear and easy for others to understand, and your career depends on having excellent communication skills in English, this is the class for you!

Where: Xavier University
When: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays, April 30-June 4
Fee: $750.00
Registration: Please contact Anne Golden, 513-745-2019

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